Hello and welcome!

My name is Grady Smith and I am the sole artist behind PromeTi. The name originated from a mesh of ideas, my favorite titan Prometheus who gave man fire, and titanium which I worked with more often at the time. I have now moved to copper electroplating of organic objects into one of a kind pieces of art.

All the insects and creatures used in my art are found ethically and are not killed or harmed in any way.

I make my art with the flow of the moment, the piece just takes form on its own. One intention I have with every piece though is durability, the making of generational jewelry that will last multiple lifetimes. Creating snip-its of nature that transcend the ephemerality we are all subject to, that is one facet of what I see myself doing. Getting people more in touch with nature by literally wearing a piece of it and spreading awareness for the bees is another reason why I do what I do. There is a little preview of the inner workings of the mind behind the magic, thank you for reading. Read on for a nutshell of the last few years that got me here.

I guess this is the part where I tell you what has transpired to cause this creative spark to come about and how events guided me to the point where I am encasing organic objects, mainly honeycomb at the moment, in copper.

I started using my hands to create things back in 2013. It started with dabbers and wire wrap pendants with which I encountered what I have heard called the "flow state". I experienced this moment of total devotion on my first wire wrap and realized that I had dipped my soul into the pool of art and for the preceding weeks, months my heart was hungry for the infinite creative moment. 

As I would keep the creativity flowing with various projects I had been working 80 hour weeks for a a few months to save for an adventure that would further hone my direction in life.

Travelling in New Zealand was an incredibly life changing moment that still touches my mind certain times. I went wwoofing there which enabled me to experience what it was like to live a more interconnected lifestyle closer to the big thing that provides for us on a daily basis. It propelled me into wanting to be more sustainable and ultimately invoking abundance off the land beneath my feet for all to enjoy and prosper from. When I reached state side I was headed to South Dakota before I could unpack, there was a brewery to help make and one that strived to produce all its ingredients itself. 

It was the brain child of my cousin and his friend, it was going to be a self-sustainable brewery producing all the raw ingredients, organically raised, for the beer. Having four acres of hops to hand weed and feed kept me busy for a couple years but only strengthened my passion to share the beauty of nature with people. Things would take a major turn when I was hired as a beekeeper for a two month work trip to Texas.

My experience bee keeping showed me the scary truth behind industrial bee keeping and how it can be more harmful than helpful in this ever escalating colony collapse issue. In my hours of time with the bees and being able to acquire lots of excess honeycomb I found a new further honed passion for these creatures and the whole web we are in. Once I got home with my honeycomb it was time to get to work. 

I had wanted to electroplate after seeing it on other pieces of artwork and being completely fascinated. Once I saw you could do organic objects I was hooked, screen shots of nature in metal, who wouldn't be! I started right away on the honeycomb and quickly learned it was a beautiful medium that worked very well with electroforming. I soon moved back to Oregon where I have been diving into my work and refining my process to constantly get better and achieve things I only dreamt of when starting down the plating path. I have the goal of being a full time artist soon with this being my only means of income which would be a beautiful thing, I would be closer to the garden that way ;) . If you have made it this far through my story I thank you very much, I appreciate every one of you! Go check out If anything catches your fancy in the store. I am always open to emails or dm's, thank you again. Good day :)